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Jul 8, 2024

Jeremy Seewer stays fifth in MXGP

Kawasaki Racing Team MXGP's Jeremy Seewer consolidated fifth in the FIM World MXGP Motocross Championship series standings at the second GP on consecutive weekends on the Indonesian island of Lombok.

The direction of racing had been reversed during the week to develop a more flowing track but the claustrophobic tropical heat remained a factor for all of the competitors. Fourth through turn one in the first race the Swiss surrendered one position a few corners in when he was balked as the rider immediately ahead of him momentarily stuttered, but he was quickly back into his rhythm as the front-five pulled clear of the pack and maintained his position to the finish. The second moto started dramatically as he was closed down by his gate rivals at the start but fought back with determination to fourth through the first few turns. An incident on lap two as he looked to advance further saw him run off the track to fall back to eighth before bouncing back in style to finish sixth, just six seconds shy of the moto podium. Sixth overall on the day, he consolidated fifth in the points standings as the series returns to Europe for the next GP at Loket in the Czech Republic on the weekend of July 20/21.

Jeremy Seewer: "I'm quite disappointed with the final result; my pace was OK but many things happened. The track was better in this direction but it was difficult to make passes as everyone at the front had a similar pace. I got blocked straight out of the gate in race two and the first lap was quite aggressive but I came to fourth until the second lap when my rear wheel slid out on a slippery patch, then I suddenly got grip again and ran off the track. I didn't crash but I lost some positions. I was faster and, if I could have passed Jorge and then Valentin, I could have been fourth."

Seewer in Lombok
Seewer in Lombok
Seewer in Lombok
Seewer in Lombok