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Parts Diagrams

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Welcome, Kawasaki owners. Access the information and tools you need to get the most out of your vehicle.

Part Item Information
GASKET,HEAD,CYLINDER 11004 11004-1014 1
HEAD-COMP-CYLINDER 11008 11008-1072 1
HOLDER,CARBURETOR 16065 16065-1016 3
GUIDE,INLET VALVE 49002 12013-009 AR
GUIDE,EXHAUST VALVE 49002A 49002-1002 AR
BOLT,VACUUM 92001 92001-1143 2 CN,US
BOLT,HEX HEAD,6X45 92001A 92003-092 16
BOLT,6X161 92002 92002-1273 1
STUD,6X30 92004 92004-1128 12
FITTING,TUBE 92005 92005-1017 1
FITTING,FUEL,X-TYPE 92005A 92005-1051 1 US
SCREW,6X16 92009 92009-1334 9
NUT,CYLINDER HEAD 92015 92015-076 16
WASHER OIL PUMP BANJO 92022 92022-077 6
CIRCLIP-VALVE 92033 92036-023 12
CLAMP-PIPE 92037 92037-072 3 CN
CLAMP,CARBURETOR HLDR 92037A 92037-1119 3
PIN-DOWEL 92043 92042-007 16
TUBE,VACUUM,LONG 92059 92059-1162 1 US
TUBE,4X5X100,VACUUM 92059A 92059-1058 2
TUBE,4X9X340 92059B 92059-1262 1
BOLT,FLANGED,6X18 130 130N0608 3 CA
BOLT-FLANGED 130A 130Y0665 3
WASHER PLAIN 10MM 411 411B1000 16