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Parts Diagrams

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Welcome, Kawasaki owners. Access the information and tools you need to get the most out of your vehicle.

Part Item Information
BOLT,8X25 10 110R0825 3
WASHER-SPRING,8MM 11 461S0800 3
WASHER-PLAIN,8MM 12 411S0800 3
SHIM,T=0.3 13A 92025-503 AR
SHIM,T=0.15 13 92025-502 AR
FITTING,GREASE 14 92005-501 1
PIN-DOWEL 15 551R0612 2
COUPLING 16 42034-3005 1
BOLT,8X25 17 110R0825 4
WASHER-SPRING,8MM 18 461S0800 4
WASHER-PLAIN,8MM 19 411S0800 3
DAMPER,COUPLING 20 92075-520 1
COVER,COUPLING 21 59036-567 1
BOLT,6X16 22 110R0616 3
WASHER-SPRING,6MM 23 461S0600 3
WASHER-PLAIN,6MM 24 411S0600 2
SHIM,T=0.5MM 25A 92025-3702 AR
SHIM,T=1.0MM 25B 92025-3703 AR
SHIM,T=1.5MM 25C 92025-3704 AR
SHIM,T=0.3MM 25 92025-3701 AR
HOUSING-BEARING 1 41046-502 1
SEAL-OIL,AC1799EX 2 92050-501 2
SHAFT,DRIVE 3 59111-515 1
BEARING-BALL,#6305C3 4 601B6305 2
COLLAR 5 92027-502 1
SLEEVE,BEARING 6 42036-501 1
COVER,BEARING 7 14025-3008 1
RING-O 8 92055-501 1
SEAL-OIL,AC1799EX 9 92050-501 2