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Parts Diagrams

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Welcome, Kawasaki owners. Access the information and tools you need to get the most out of your vehicle.

Part Item Information
TAIL LAMP UNIT 1 23025-064 1 "220-40781" MARK
.CASE,TAIL LIGHT 2 23027-041 1
.BULB,12V 32/3CP 3 92069-059 1
.GASKET,TAIL LENS 4 23028-021 1
.LENS,TAIL LAMP 5 23026-034 1
.SCREW-PAN-CROS 6 220R0460 2
BKT,LICENSE PLATE 7 23036-046 1 "220-40796" MARK
DAMPER RUBBER 8 23066-023 1
DAMPER RUBBER 9 23066-020 2
COLLAR,6.8X10X8.5 10 92027-129 2
WASHER 6.5X20X1.6T 11 92022-125 5
BOLT 6X22 12 112B0622 2
DAMPER RUBBER,RR FEN 13 35039-004 1
DAMPER RUBBER,RR FEN 14 92075-121 3
COLLAR 6.8X10X14.5 15 92027-156 3
WASHER SPRING 6MM 16 461F0600 3
BOLT-UPSET 17 112G0625 3
BRACKET,LICENSE PLAT 18 23062-1002 1
TAIL LIGHT,ID, BLUE 19 23065-003 2 STD
TAIL LIGHT,ID, RED 19 23065-004 (2 OPT
TAIL LIGHT,ID, AMBER 19 23065-005 (2 OPT
WIRE,CONNECT ID LITE 20 26001-4001 2
BOLT-UPSET,6X20 21 112G0620 2
WASHER PLAIN 22 92022-024 2
NUT 6MM 23 311B0600 2